: Layouts
< web organizing techi >
- [q] Another very powerful way for organizing our website code is by using layouts.
- it's not uncommon when we're bui..
** start of layout
<%= yield %>
** end of layout
- [q] So, yield is essentially saying the template code drops in right ..yield that happens automatically before rendering that template.
- code example : ~~.erb<html><head></head><body><div id="navigation"><%= erb :navigation %></div><div id="main-content"><%= yield %></div></body></html>
- You can see I have those ERB tags with yield inside, that's where the template part would be dropped in.
- So, it would be just a small bit of code that gets dropped in to this larger layout.
- So, my template file no longer has to have all the beginning and ending HTML, that's going to be in my layout.
- Point : Layouts : Render template inside common page elements.
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